Foreign Language Education

JIM Study

The Jim Study is an annual survey published by Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest (mpfs) about how 12-19 year-old children and young adults. It covers a wide range of different themes for example about their leisure activities, what kind of media they own, TV, radio, books,  internet, social communities, mobile phones. I think it is of major importance to be aware of certain trends. The study found out that about 65% of the 12-13 year- old of those polled have their own computer and 41% their own internet connection. This is an important number for teachers because it clearly shows us that we have to raise awareness of internet security as soon as possible. According to the study 2/3 of the young people with online access uploaded personal videos, photos and every fourth has posted his or her personal instant messenger contact details. Even more shocking is the fact that the approximate adolescent is online for 138 minutes each day, mainly for communication and checking the latest news in social networks. To me, it seems like the new media is part of all of our lifes by now and that is where I see the big chance for educational purposes. Why shouldn't we, as future teachers, use new media for educational purposes when almost every adolescent uses the by now? If it is already part of their leisure time it probably is very motivating for students to learn with new media at the school.

Here are some slides of interesting tables of the JIM study 2010. You can find the whole research at the following website: